- How your understandings of the standards changed based on your experiences of designing lessons, teaching lesson, assessing student (peer) artifacts?
2. What you learned about preparation and teaching from your peers through lessons and feedback from classmates?
I learned that I need to spend more time total on preparation. I spent a ton of time on finding the correct information and it didn't leave me a lot of time to really think of how I could create a hands-on activity for my students. I really need to look at the main points that I'm trying to teach, see how I could assess those points and THEN create a hands on activity. I also learned that there is no harm in spacing information out and that is why assessment is so important. As you are spacing information out, you need ways to make sure that everyone is on board with you. I definitely see the benefits in using a journal so they can write about what they learned before they leave your classroom so you can know whether or not to do a mini lesson the next day. Once again I learned that I definitely need to practice out my lessons before I step into the classroom.
3. How your experiences might impact your future teaching experiences?
I WILL most definitely think more about what I want to teach and HOW I want to teach it. Seems nutty because I feel that I already put a ton of thought into things but the lesson I did in class shows that I didn't put enough. So its true - teachers have no lives. I also think that my experiences are going to impact my future teaching experiences by making me do unit plans. I see the benefit in lining everything up and creating ways to assess in betweeen so you make sure that no child is left behind in the information.
1. How your understandings of the standards changed based on your experiences of designing lessons, teaching lesson, assessing student (peer) artifacts?
I see now that there is a lot of technology out there for us to use as teachers. I also see how you can use technology all you want in your classroom but that doesn't mean you are using it effectively or creating an impact with it. You can use technology to assesss by creating review questions but if the questions you create aren't pertinent or they are too easy - you didn't learn anything. It gives you a false idea that what you are teaching is "reaching the children" and that they will be able to access that information later. Technology is AMAZING but you definitely got to use it right.
Some tools are also great but other tools can create a headache. You need to make sure the hardware and software works before integrating it into your lesson. Even if it does work, have a backup lesson (teaching the same stuff) just without technology in case the network decides to die on you that day.
2. What you learned about preparation and teaching from your peers through lessons and feedback from classmates?
I learned that I need to test drive my lessons! BAH! They also told me that it was too much information all at once. They suggested that I split my lesson into two and have separate assessments for each lesson. Which when I think about it, totally makes sense. The human brain can only process so much information at once. Its more beneficial to split it up so it is much more manageable.
I also realize that you need to make sure that your age group can use the technology. Maybe test it out and see how they do with it. If they can't use it, they're not going to be able to learn from it because they will be too focused on the use of the tool than focusing on what they're able to do with it.
3. How your experiences might impact your future teaching experiences?
I think that my experiences have taught me to really think about the technology I'm using and see if I can effectively use it. I need to spend time looking at what steps I should take to ensure that my students can use the technology! If it means a 10 minute lesson and then the actual lesson or if it means that I introduce it to them slowly and in short bursts. I also see asking the students before school what types of technology they have at home. Depending on their answers, I can introduce students to new stuff or if they already have lots of experience I can make sure that I show them new ways to use that technology.
I see now that using technology to help me design my lessons is really helpful. As I use them though I need to be vigilant to cite things and keep track of the websites that I use. I need to model this for my students and talk about it with them so they can see that this is something that everybody does. This will help reinforce the importance of it so they will be more motivated to do it. Modeling digital-age work is really crucial because I can show them examples of what I'm looking for so they know what my expectations are. This way they won't give me a piece of work that is just not worth my time looking at.
2. What you learned about preparation and teaching from your peers through lessons and feedback from classmates?
Watching my classmates do their lessons I saw that I need to re-think how to teach things. My classmates just put forth a few ideas and allowed lots of time for students to explore the ideas and tools to help them. I saw the teaching process very step by step and "first you need to give information, then see if they got it, then let them play" and in reality I needed to let the students find their information and write it down. I needed to let them DISCOVER what things meant instead of me telling them.
3. How your experiences might impact your future teaching experiences?
In the future, I'm going to create activities and find/create websites where the students find information and fill in notes. I want them to talk to their buddy next to them and ask for clarification and if they can't get it from them, then they can come talk to me. I heard of the "Talk to 3, Before Me" rule where teachers tell their students to talk to three of their classmates about their question and if they still haven't found the answer then they go to the teacher. Granted hopefully, one of my students will be on top of stuff and incorrect information won't get spread around.
I see that I need to talk to kids about my own processes when I put presentations or lessons together. When I tell them to cite things, I could show them how to do it but also talk to them about how I did it. Students need to see that we do things too! We're not exempt! I have learned that you really need to create a classroom community because a lot of students could use some technology to cheat or to give their classmates the wrong information. I need to show my students that technology is much more than something that you use, it is something that should be respected and valued. I need to show them that technology is a resource and that resource is there to help them but at the same time they need to help themselves.
2. What you learned about preparation and teaching from your peers through lessons and feedback from classmates?
I learned that you can have too much preparation and that technology can overwhelm you! I also saw that it is very easy to use something and forget to give credit. I need to show students simple ways to organize their thoughts when they are planning something. Students need to see what tools there are for projects and assignments. I also need to think of other tools to present information than just a powerpoint.
3. How your experiences might impact your future teaching experiences?
Well I see that I need to help children see that technology is something awesome instead of something they just use because their parents are fed up or because they are bored. I need to show them how technology should be used and tell them what it was originally made for. They need to see that some technology tools were created for other purposes and that the way how they use it is just one way. I need to show my students how to properly use technology and explain why thats so. I think I would show them a world without technology and show them how people lived in those times. I would have reminders on how to cite things properly around the classroom.